At the 2014 National Hardware Show in Las Vegas, FunMobility VP of Mobile Relationship Management Pat Murphy gave a keynote presentation on how hardware retailers can achieve success through mobile engagement.
Click here to view the presentation.

Pat Murphy gives the keynote address at the 2014 National Hardware Show in Las Vegas, NV

FunMobility VP Mobile Relationship Management Pat Murphy has a lifetime of hardware industry expertise

Linda Roark is a successful hardware retailer who has seen tremendous results with FunMobility’s Mobile Engagement Platform

Jodi Larson has implemented successful mobile marketing campaigns at mulitple hardware stores across Northern California

FunMobility helps brands to: Grow a loyal mobile opt-in list, Engage customers with dynamic mobile content, and Convert that engagement into tangible returns at POS

Yes, the iPotty is an actual device. Mobile engagement is easier to master than going to the bathroom.

There are now more mobile devices in the world than there are human beings

Two photos taken outside St. Peter’s Basillica. An indication of how much the world has changed in just the past 8 years

Consumers now spend as much time on their mobile phone as they do watching TV

It is imperative that brands adhere to legal and industry standards

Mobile marketing provides a number of unique advantages

To learn the “8 Mobile Promotion Secrets That Drive Results for Hardware Stores,” check out the entire presentation.