[Infographic] Jump Start Sales With In-Store Display and Mobile Access

There are more products than ever available in large supercenter retail locations. Couple that with consumers’ short attention spans, and it is crucial that businesses do everything they can to create a smooth experience for shoppers. Data shows that people are not going to spend large amounts of time searching for the perfect product. Sometimes the product with the most visibility in the store wins.

So what does that mean for businesses? It is crucial that they pay attention to their mobile presence as well as their in-store layout. More than half of all smart phone owners are using their mobile devices to quickly access information regarding their purchase while they are shopping in the store. So it’s important that businesses make sure they are visible on Google Maps, Apple Maps, Yelp and any other mobile site that consumers may use to search for information. It’s important to maintain visibility in the locations that customers will look for you.

It is also important to make sure that your store front is designed with your customers’ buying habits in mind. For instance, 90 percent of people turn right as they enter a store. Also, end caps and floor displays tend to draw the most attention as people are shopping. Also, keep in mind that people won’t want to wait more than a few minutes in line to purchase. All of these factors help shape the type of experience your customers will have, and influence your brand.

Check out the below infographic, courtesy of www.essentraspecialtytapes.com

From Browsers to Buyers: Increasing Retail Sales w/ POP and mo


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